Month: July 2014

Home / 2014 / July

Mid-summer Slump and Thoughts of Italy

I got back from Italy two days ago and with all the house organizing I have to do after a trip, I didn’t really get into the garden to do any work.  Of course, I took a couple of tours around it to see what was going on, and I noticed that the usual mid-season...


Roses, and why I grow them

As some of you may remember, I planted three new rose bushes last year.  I already had five other roses in the Tranquil Garden, most of which are very hardy and only cause me a small amount of heartache every year.  The ones I planted last year are Canadian-bred hardy roses, too, and I’m grateful for that;  I...


Back from Huge Plant Country

I’ve been back from B.C. for several days now and haven’t written a blog post.  My excuses are many; my daughter moved back in with us and needed my help; I messed up my arm and neck a bit (too much computer, or moving heavy furniture, not sure which); I’m distracted by all the chores...